CSE 599C: "Quantum Learning Theory"
(Winter 2025)

Course Information

Instructor: Andrea Coladangelo

Time & location: Tuesdays and Thursdays 11.30am-12.50pm, CSE2 G04

Class Q&A: Ed Discussion

Office hours: Thursdays 4:30-5.30 (CSE2 212)

Course Description

This course is an introduction to the topic of “quantum learning theory”, in the sense of learning properties of a quantum state given copies of it. Unlike a classical string, whose description is entirely known from reading it once, it is not in general possible to learn the “description” of a quantum state given a single copy of it, since a measurement in general disturbs it. This leads to the question: when can we learn (a useful description of) a quantum state? We will explore various settings starting from foundational results on quantum state “discrimination” (i.e. identifying a state from a known family) and quantum state ”tomography” (i.e. learning the entire description of the state given a large number of copies), and then moving to recent developments on “shadow tomography” (i.e. learning useful classical descriptions of a state given few copies).

This is an advanced class: familiarity with the contents of the graduate course “Quantum Information and Computation” (CSE 534) (or equivalent background) is a prerequisite.

Approximate List of Topics

We will be taking inspiration from John Wright's recent course. We will be following a somewhat similar outline, and you can find good lecture notes there. A tentative list of topics:


01/07: General framework for quantum learning; review of quantum information; "Quantum State Discrimination" for two pure states (notes)

01/09: Quantum State Discrimination for two mixed states (given a single copy); trace distance (notes)

01/14: Quantum State Discrimination for two mixed states (given multiples copies); fidelity (notes)

01/16: Quantum State Discrimination in the general setting; the "Pretty Good Measurement" (notes)

01/21: Equality and Purity Testing; the SWAP test (notes)


Homework 1 (due Sunday 01/19 at 6pm): pdf, tex


5 homeworks, each worth 20% of the grade.

Late submissions

You have three tokens for a 24h late submission (no questions asked). You may use more than one on the same homework.