CSE 534: "Quantum Information and Computation"
(Autumn 2023)

*this particular iteration of the course was officially designated as 599Q, but is now offered each year as 534

Course Information

Instructor: Andrea Coladangelo

TAs: Xun Cao, Lukshya Ganjoo

Time & location: Tuesdays and Thursdays 11.30am-12.50pm, CSE2 G01 (remote until further notice. Zoom link on Ed Discussion)

Class Q&A: Ed Discussion

Office hours: 

Xun: Wednesday 4.30-5.30pm (CSE2 151)

Andrea: Thursday 4.30-5.30pm (same zoom link as for lecture for the time being. Eventually CSE2 212)

Lukshya: Monday 2.30-3.30pm (CSE2 151)

Course Description

This is an introduction to quantum information and computation aimed at graduate students. The goal of the course is to understand and familiarize with the fundamentals from an abstract point of view, while exploring several key applications. This will be almost entirely a theory course, with a small programming component (running algorithms on quantum devices in the cloud).

Prerequisites: Students should either

Tentative Schedule

09/28: Course overview. Linear algebra review. (slides, notes)

10/03: Linear algebra review (continued). (notes)

10/05: Axioms of quantum mechanics, qubits, bra-ket notation. (notes)

10/10: Axioms of quantum mechanics (continued). Elitzur-Vaidman tester. (notes)

10/12: Elitzur-Vaidman tester (continued). Tensor products and states of multiple qubits. Entanglement. (slides, notes)

10/17: Multi-qubit measurements and gates. Partial measurements. Non-local games. (notes, slides)

10/19: Magic square game perfect quantum strategy. (notes)

10/24: Magic square game perfect strategy (continued). CHSH game. (notes)

10/26: CHSH game optimal quantum strategy. Tsirelson's bound. (notes)

10/31: Tsirelson's bound (continued). Mixed states and density matrices. (notes)

11/02: No class (take home midterm).

11/07: Mixed states and density matrices (continued). The quantum one-time pad. Quantum circuit model. (notes)

11/09: Midterm review.

11/14: Universal gate sets. Reversible computation. (notes)

11/16: Deutsch's and Simon's algorithms. (slides)

11/21: Simon's algorithm (continued). Grover's algorithm. (notes)

11/23: No class (Thanksgiving).

11/28: Grover's algorithm (analysis). Amplitude amplification. (notes)

11/30: Period-finding and QFT. (notes)

12/05: Period-finding and QFT (continued). Phase Estimation. (notes)

12/07: Shor's algorithm. Hamiltonian Simulation. (notes, slides)

Homeworks & Exams

(submissions are all on Gradescope)

HW1 (due Monday 10/09 at 11.59pm): pdf

HW2 (due Monday 10/23 at 11.59pm): pdf

Midterm (due Monday 11/06 at 11.59pm, no extension tokens allowed): pdf

HW3 (due Wednesday 11/29 at 11.59pm): pdf

Final (due Thursday 12/14 at 11.59pm): pdf


Three homeworks 50%, take-home midterm 25%, take-home final 25%

Late submissions

You have three tokens for a 24h late submission (no questions asked). These can be used on homeworks, but not on the midterm and final. You may use more than one on the same homework. Late submissions without tokens left will be accepted only in exceptional circumstances.