Andrea Coladangelo
I am an assistant professor at the University of Washington, Seattle since January 2023, where I co-lead the Quantum group at the Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering. I am also part of the Theory and Crypto groups. I coordinate the NSF-funded Quantum@UW REU program.
I am broadly interested in quantum computation. Recently, I have been most excited about understanding the interplay between quantum computation and cryptography. Previously, I have studied foundational questions about entanglement and quantum correlations, inspired by the question of certifying quantum devices.
Short Bio: Before UW, I was a postdoctoral researcher at UC Berkeley and the Simons Institute, working with Umesh Vazirani. I obtained my PhD at Caltech, where I was fortunate to be advised by Thomas Vidick. In a previous life, I received a B.A. in Mathematics from the University of Oxford and a Master in Mathematics from the University of Cambridge. I co-founded qBraid, a cloud-based platform for learning quantum computing and developing quantum algorithms.
Assistant Professor
Computer Science
University of Washington
Gates Center 212
coladan (at) cs washington edu
Recent news
- Applications are open for the first cohort of our NSF-funded Quantum@UW REU summer program!
Consider applying if you are an undergrad interested in experiencing research in quantum information
(projects ranging from theory to experiments). Deadline is March 13. - I'm spending Fall quarter 2024 in Oxford, at the department of Computer Science.
- I'm giving a lecture series at the 22nd Bellairs Crypto Workshop in Barbados (Mar 3-7 2024) titled
"Random and pseudorandom quantum states: how to use them".
- Er-Cheng Tang is the first PhD student to join my group. Welcome!
- I received the CSE undergraduate teaching award for my Spring 2023 course!
Selected and Recent Publications (view all)
- The power of a single Haar random state: constructing and separating quantum pseudorandomness [arXiv]
- A computational test of quantum contextuality, and even simpler proofs of quantumness [arXiv]
- How to Use Quantum Indistinguishability Obfuscation [arxiv]
- Deniable Encryption in a Quantum World [arXiv]
- One-way Functions Imply Secure Computation in a Quantum World [arXiv]
- Unconditional separation of finite and infinite-dimensional quantum correlations [arXiv]
Editor: Quantum (2020-2024)
Program Committees: QIP 2020, QCrypt 2021, QIP 2022, Quantum Crypto Workshop @ Asiacrypt 2023, QIP 2023, ITCS 2024, QCrypt 2024